run by 'Duo Servers'

What is cloud hosting actually

Cloud hosting is a quite fashionable phrase at present. However, just a few realize what it does in reality signify. The bulk of the website hosting firms speculate strongly about services portrayed as being 'cloud hosting'. Particularly the cPanel website hosting and cPanel reseller hosting distributors. Owing to the total deficiency of new marketing ideas, the cPanel web hosts are plainly using fashionable phrases, striving to tempt more website hosting clients with skilful marketing techniques.

cPanel - a single server website hosting solution

In brief, cPanel is a single server website hosting solution. One web server serves all website hosting services concurrently. On the other hand, the cloud hosting platform requires each separate web hosting service, such as disk storage, email, FTP, databases, DNS, stats, web hosting CP, backup, etc. to be served by separate hosts of cutting-edge web servers in a cluster. All the clusters build the so called 'cloud'. With cPanel, the aforestated hosting services are all being served at one and the same time by one single server. This suggests that no 'clouds' can be observed around cPanel-based web site hosting companies. Not even a single cloud...

The gigantic marketing trick with cloud web page hosting accounts

Beware of the various dishonest claims guaranteeing you 'cloud hosting' solutions, chiefly made by cPanel hosting providers. When a cPanel website hosting provider conceitedly asserts that a 'cloud' web page hosting solution is being provided, check if it's not a mist or a smog in the first place. Almost everybody speculates with the word 'cloud', eventually counting on the fact that the bulk of the clients are not aware of what it does in fact represent.

Let's be more positive and return to the authentic cloud hosting services.

Hepsia - a cloud hosting Control Panel environment

Hepsia is a last generation cloud hosting solution combined with a powerful easy-to-work-with site hosting Control Panel. Both, the cloud web hosting platform and the respective hosting CP are tailored by - a famous hosting reseller trader from year 2003. Unfortunately, it's an indeed uncommon occurrence to stumble on a web hosting provider delivering a cloud web space hosting solution on the market. For unknown reasons, Google favors cPanel-based web hosting suppliers mainly. This is why we believe it's advisable for people who demand a web page hosting platform to be a little bit more aware of the Hepsia cloud web site hosting solution.

Hepsia - the multi-server cloud web site hosting solution

Each hosting service bead in Hepsia's 'cloud' is attended to by an individual host of servers, dedicated exclusively to the specific service at hand, sharing out the load produced. Hence, the site hosting CP is being attended to by one pack of servers, which serve the hosting CP exclusively and nothing beside it. There is another host of servers for the email, one more for the disk storage, another for the backup, one more for the stats, another for the MySQL databases, one more for the PostgreSQL databases, etc. All these hosts of servers run as one complete web site hosting service, the so-called 'cloud web hosting' service.

Hepsia-based cloud webspace hosting vendors

The list with the Hepsia-based web hosting companies is not very big. The most well-known ones on it are ResellersPanel, Duo Servers, NTCHosting, Lonex, Exclusive Hosting, FreeHostia, OpenHost, 50Webs, 100WebSpace, Fateback and a few others.